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What we do


We provide impact


We provide impact

Effective representation of interests

Your organisation is affected by the decisions made locally, in your province, in The Hague or in Brussels. These create opportunities, for example when public contracts are issued. They also result in risks and challenges when legislation is tightened or investment decisions are put at risk.

We are involved in public affairs and lobby on your behalf, and also put your interests on the political agenda. We do all this at the right moment, to the right person and with the right message.

Smart stakeholder management

In order to realise your plans you need acceptance, for example when expanding a production site, putting a new service on the market, a merger, a takeover or setting up new infrastructure. That doesn’t just happen; you have to show that your plan is socially relevant and deserves to be realised.

We carefully map out your stakeholders and their interests, goals and issues. We employ directed messages and media attention to strengthen your plan’s authority.

Creating value in regulated markets

Whereas legal compliance is more often becoming less significant, the importance of social compliance is increasing. It is especially important for businesses that operate in regulated markets to deal skilfully with society’s expectations. We are also aware that public strategy is increasingly attracting the attention of managements and boards of directors.

We provide you with insight into the standards that stakeholders and society maintain concerning your organisation and sector. With a well-thought-out public strategy we help you create value in the market in which you operate.

Strategic positioning

How can you ensure that your organisation is in a preferential position, so that you can actually implement the plans you want to realise? ? It is important here for you to have a clear story and to bring it to the attention of your target groups at the right moment.

We help you create a powerful corporate story, a concise one in which you put across both your organisation’s value and the needs of your target groups.

Tailored support

Our clients vary from start-ups to multinationals and include NGOs, sector organisations and local and government authorities. They have differing needs and we therefore provide tailored support. What we do depends on your issues, your wishes and your budget:

• monitoring the news from The Hague, politics administrative Netherlands and society | • summing up and implementing a suitable lobbying strategy and providing relevant consultancy | • developing and implementing a strategy for realising acceptance of your plans | • providing consultancy for strategic positioning and repositioning | • creating messages, frames and lines of argumentation | • drawing up, organising and preparing meetings with officials and regulatory bodies, Members of the House of Representatives and other relevant decision-makers and stakeholders | • advising on how to cope with political decision-makers and how to prepare for hearings, round-table discussions and inquiries in the House of Representatives | • setting agendas, including the use of media

Our expertise

We know the market

Businesses need to stop looking at the world as a market. Once you see that what you call markets are people, your approach is bound to be more inclusive and sustainable.

– Sadhguru

Our approach

What we stand for is not quick gains but sustainable results. Experienced enthusiastic and creative consultants help you with the effective promotion of interests and convincing communication.

Using proven methods

We use the 4M model: mapping, masterminding, mobilising and monitoring. This has yielded good results for our clients over the years. At the beginning of a process we map out the force field quickly but carefully, and on that basis we translate your requirements into concrete and achievable goals, to which we attach strategies and actions. Depending on the stage the decision-making process is at, the concrete actions vary from quiet diplomacy behind the scenes to ‘noise’ in politics and the media in order to apply pressure to decision-makers. Finally, we take care during the process to detect and clarify current developments. We are your eyes and ears in The Hague and Brussels, the political-administrative field and society.

From local to international

Your organisation is strongly affected by decisions made locally, in your province, in The Hague and in Brussels. Whether the issue is at local or international level, we activate your voice in public affairs and put your interests on the political agenda, by using our extensive network within politics, government, media, the business sector and society. We also use our strong international network that includes, among other places, Brussels, Berlin, London and New York. We are located in the centre of The Hague, close to parliament and the ministries, a great place that enables us to act quickly.

Strategic with a broad view

Although decisions are formally made in The Hague and Brussels, they come about through an interplay between media, society and civil society, which is why we look beyond politics alone. If it benefits your case, we bring attention to your issue via the media by connecting it to current topics. We also form coalitions that support
your interests when the occasion arises.

Trustworthy and professional

We consider trustworthiness and professionalism to be of great importance in our profession, which is why we have all agreed to:

Work in accordance with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and responsibility;

Always speak the truth about who we are, who we work for and what interests we represent;

Avoid the illusion of promoting conflicting interests;

Deal responsibly with confidential information concerning our clients and former clients;

Be responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the information we provide to stakeholders;

Always respect legislation and regulations;

Act responsibly towards others;

Be honest and trustworthy in our professional contacts with politicians, officials, other stakeholders, clients and colleagues;

Would you like to get to know us without obligation?

Contact details

Zeestraat 66A
2518 AC Den Haag
Tel: +31 (0)70 – 406 97 77

IvCB is an independent firm and is not part of the FTI Consulting Group of companies. FTI Consulting is not responsible for the acts and omissions of IvCB.

IvCB is an independent firm and is not part of the FTI Consulting Group of companies. FTI Consulting is not responsible for the acts and omissions of IvCB.

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