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Strengthening the position


The challenge

The Institute of Internal Auditors (the IIA) is the largest professional association for internal auditors in the Netherlands. Internal auditors play a crucial role within organisations in managing risks and in raising the quality of products, services and processes to a higher level. The pressures they come under and the interests they have to serve are considerable. The IIA wants to offer its members tools for coping with these interests and pressures and for enabling them to shine a light on the importance of internal auditing.

IvCB’s approach

IvCB and the IIA organised a two-day interactive workshop for a group of internal auditors. This applied IvCB’s knowledge of complex environments and decision-making processes to the day-to-day work of internal auditors: how can internal auditors under great pressure in highly dynamic environments convey their findings and proposals in an effective manner? In addition, how can they make people more aware of the value they add to an organisation? These questions were answered in discussions about the profession and its significance for organisations, by sharing experiences and ways of operating within complex and dynamic playing fields, and by practising the converting of knowledge and ideas into actions.

The result for the client

Thanks to the workshop, the participants acquired a broad range of tools with which they can strengthen their position and that of their profession within their respective organisations. Putting these tools into practice immediately and evaluating them together enabled them to internalise them as well. IIA as well as the participants were able to look back on a successful and extremely instructive programme.

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Tel: +31 (0)70 – 406 97 77

IvCB is an independent firm and is not part of the FTI Consulting Group of companies. FTI Consulting is not responsible for the acts and omissions of IvCB.

IvCB is an independent firm and is not part of the FTI Consulting Group of companies. FTI Consulting is not responsible for the acts and omissions of IvCB.

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