Public Strategy
Public Strategy | Creating value in regulated markets
IvCB is your strategic sparring partner in determining your organisation’s public strategy.
Over recent years public strategy, the way of dealing in the right way with the outside world and your stakeholders, has become significantly more important in the eye of the public as well as executive boards and management teams. Besides legal compliance, social compliance – and the notion that societal values are driving public opinion – has become of major importance of the last years. To grow your business in a regulated market,
IvCB can help your organisation to draft and implement public strategies based on your objectives and business model that resonate with the interests of your most important societal stakeholders. IvCB can outline various scenarios from your objectives and we can show by means of a clear plan and concrete activities, how to capitalise on them taking into account the interests of society and your stakeholders. If desired, we can implement the strategic advice we have offered.
A look into our Public Strategy cases
What can IvCB do for you?
- Being a sparring partner for executive boards and management teams in determining your organisation’s public strategy;
- Giving insights into specific criteria that stakeholders and society impose on your sector in general and on your organisation in particular;
- Outlining scenarios to be expected for your sector and organisation, and giving advice on how to handle them;
- Developing a public strategy plan with clear underlying time planning and the steps to be taken.
- Het creëren van waarde in de gereguleerde markt waarin u opereert.
Regulated markets require a modified commercial approach. From its wide knowledge of the health care sector, IvCB has given us insight into various relevant scenarios and social, political and economic trends and developments and the effect they have on us. By acting as a strategic sparring partner in evaluating our opportunities and threats, IvCB has helped us make strategic choices for the next few years.